DSK Academy – Digital Marketing Courses in Mumbai

Why Hire Digital Marketers From Us?

200+ Placement Companies

Our Students Specialize in:

Website Planning

Search Engine Optimization

Google & Facebook Ads

Campaign Strategy


Email & SMS Marketing

Why DSK Academy

14+ years in digital marketing talent creation

Leadership team with 20+ years in digital marketing

Access to the best digital marketing talent

Profiles assessed by digital marketing experts

The Process, You Can Rely On


We will understand your requirements beyond the JD (Job Description)


Based on your requirements, we will find suitable candidates across multiple avenues.


We will share a detailed report along with the candidates profiles to make your follow-up discussions highly productive.


Industry sppecialists will assess the candidates for both non-technical and technical aspects.

Profiles We Can Help You Acquire Talent For

Digital Marketing Courses In Mira Road With Guaranteed Placements

DSK Placement Program

Resume Building Strategy

DSK Academy: Master the art of resume building with precision. Empowering career growth through expert resume building strategies.

Interview Preparation

DSK Academy: Mastering Your Interview Skills. Professional coaching, personalized guidance, and guaranteed success. Elevate your career prospects today!

Hands on projects

DSK Academy: Empowering minds through immersive, hands-on projects. Experience excellence with our professional language courses and practical learning approach.

Communication Skills

"Master the art of eloquence and charisma at DSK Academy. Elevate your communication skills to new heights. Professional excellence guaranteed."

Mock Agency Interview

DSK Academy offers mock agency interviews with a professional approach, honing skills for real-world challenges. Elevate your career prospects today.


"DSK Academy: Empowering Minds through Dynamic Internships. Unlock your potential with our professional internship programs. Invest in your future today."

Students Gallery

Digital Marketing Course In Mira Road, Mumbai.
Digital Marketing Course In Mira Road, Mumbai.
Digital Marketing Course In Mira Road, Mumbai.
Digital Marketing Course In Mira Road, Mumbai.
Digital Marketing Course In Mira Road, Mumbai.
Digital Marketing Course In Mira Road, Mumbai.
Digital Marketing Course In Mira Road, Mumbai.